Carrie Cannon
Carrie Cannon’s most recent endeavor has been working as a research assistant creating a glossary for the Medieval Chronicle, Brut, which contains the oldest English account of the legend of King Arthur. She has home educated her seven children with whom she loves exploring history, delving into stories, delighting in poetry and exploring nature. Carrie holds a Bachelor of Liberal Arts from the Harvard University Extension School with a Field of Study in Literature and a double minor in History and Creative Writing. Previously she studied Drawing and Painting at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. She enjoys reading, road biking, kayaking and hiking with her dog, Samwise, which isn’t just Frodo’s faithful companion, but is a Middle English word that means “guide.” She grew up in a Christian home, attending Delaware County Christian School, but has discovered that her faith is a quest in which she will be traveling further up and further in until the day she arrives in her real country, home at last! Currently, she makes her home with headmaster of VSA, Dr. Cannon, their children, and a zoo of animals. The Anglo-Saxons loved riddles and if you read her bio closely you will uncover two of her favorite authors.